Sandy Point Beach is one of only three sandy beaches in Mid-Coast Maine. The one-half mile beach is ideal for swimming, sunbathing, hiking, or just kicking back with a good book. When visitors come to Maine for a sandy beach, York Beach, Old Orchard Beach, and Sand Beach on Mt. Desert Island are the ones that come to mind.
However, you pay the price for notoriety. Hundreds and maybe more hundreds on the beaches at the same time. When I last visited Sandy Point Beach in August there were less that a dozen people on the beach!
As uncrowded as Sandy Point Beach may be as compared to the commercial visitor spots in Maine, it is not without its share of blood thirsty mosquitoes and black flies in season. However, most Mainers and knowledgeable visitors have a bottle of Ole Time Woodsman Fly Dope with them. Developed in Maine in 1882 as a repellent for all biting insects, Ole Time Woodsman Fly Dope has been protecting people without fail for over 130 years! The unique formula of Ole Time Woodsman Fly Dope actually interferes with an insects receptors that detect the carbon dioxide flume that we exhale when we breathe. If they cannot find you, they cannot bite you!
Enjoy Sandy Point Beach and Welcome to Maine